The Worst Month in the World

That’s actually a lie.  May is possibly the best month in the world, for several reasons.  Three of which I will list below…

1. I Was Born in May!

Yes!  I was born on May 11th!  That’s tomorrow!  How in the hell!

What’s that?  You want to get me a present?  Oh, you’re too kind.  Surrender your wife to me.  No?  Well, if you’re going to be all stingy like that.

Really, though, if you’re reading this blog, you’ve probably read my books and (presumably) enjoyed them.  Thus, you have already done me a pretty big kindness.  A few neat readers offered fan art, which was very cool since I do like me some fan art, and Blake Charlton offered to consider the Blood Debt I incurred when he rescued my daughter from the maw of the Eelhund fulfilled, so that’s pretty good.

If you really want to give me a present, though, and you live in Arizona, you could always come see me at…

2. Phoenix Comicon!

…which is also in May!

I had an awesome time at the last Comicon, in which I sat on several panels and in which the famous Head of Scalzi was created.  I hear tell that Mr. Scalzi might be there again this year and it is rumored he seeks to exact revenge for not portraying his floating, laser-beam-shooting head in a more flattering light.  Or maybe he was just in the neighborhood?  Who knows!

Also, some chump named Cherie Priest is going to be there.  She wrote some book that people said was p. cool I don’t know and I guess it won some awards or something and was sort of declared to be a papery messiah delivering us all from a stagnant fiction hell maybe you like that sort of thing.

And, most importantly…

3. May is a Month for Scalzis!

It is true that I say many things about John Scalzi, to the point that one diligent reader actually made a note of it.  It is also true that this blog post, and indeed this month, is doing absolutely nothing to dispel that particular notion.  Because John Scalzi and I will be doing an event at The Poisoned Pen Bookstore in Scottsdale on May 28th!

I know.  Awesome, right?  We’re probably going to rock one of several casbahs.  I hope you can join us for it.

Mention this blog post and get punched in the gut!

See you there!

I know this blog post is short!

Shut up!

5 thoughts on “The Worst Month in the World”

  1. Happy Birthday, Sam Sykes!! I just read a blog post about you (bet you can’t guess whose 😉 ) and I am really looking forward to reading your books now. Congratulations on your success!!!

    1. Thank you, Melinda Haas!

      Was it Jericho Mtumbe’s Law Blog that you read me on? You can’t trust a word that guy says.

  2. Happy birthday! Arizon’s kind of far… there must be some sort of con in Montreal sometime soon that you could attend? 🙂

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