Holy Shit, I’m at LepreCon

There are times I wonder how invested I am in my own professional well-being when I forget these things, but yeah, I’m at LepreCon this impending weekend.  It’s a fairly tight-knit, exciting affair that I attended last year and had a great time with.  It’s small enough that interacting with various people is pretty easy and, in fact, almost impossible.  Given that talking to people is one of my favorite parts of any con, I’m quite partial to this one.

Please have a perusal of the Peruvian persuasion at my schedule hither:

LIT – STORY WRITING FOR BEGINNERS or “Quick and Dirty Story Creation”.  Have you always wanted to write a story?  Has the process of writing been difficult, too time consuming or intimidating?  Do you wonder how successful writers do it?  Using easy, proven techniques that the pros use, you can start writing that story you always wanted to write–NOW!  Tabitha Bradley will show you some easy shortcuts and tips that will get you right to what you really want to do: writing.  Bring some paper, netbook or something to take notes on and get ready to learn how the Pros do it!
Fri 1p-2p, Palm E. Tabitha Bradley, Sam Sykes

LIT – DIY SOCIAL MEDIA promotion for authors.  Ways that aspiring authors can use current internet social media tools – Twitter, podcasting, blogging, Facebook, Myspace, etc. – to draw attention and build fan communities around themselves and their works.

Sat noon-1p, Xavier. Jack Mangan (Moderator), Diana Gabaldon , Patti Hultstrand, Sam Sykes

LIT – WORKING CLASS HEROES?  H.G. Wells wrote one of the great class warfare stories (The Time Machine), but a lot of fantasy and science fiction ignores the working class. How many working class heroes are there? Are they under-represented today?

Sat 2p-3p, Xavier. Will Shetterly (Moderator), Rick Novy, Sam Sykes

LIT – EDITING YOUR WORK.  Editing is a necessary part of the writing process. For some it’s harder than others, but we all have to do it. Learn simple techniques to make this process easier and more enjoyable.

Sat 3p-4p, Xavier. Gini Koch, Beth Mecham, Sam Sykes

Holy shit.

That Sam Sykes, always helpin’ people out!

I’m sure there’s some kind of reading session/autograph session/fistfight in there somewhere, too.  So, if you stop by, please do check in with me.

Or I will punch you right in the gonads.

4 thoughts on “Holy Shit, I’m at LepreCon”

  1. Your reading is on the schedule on Friday at 6:30. Didn’t see you listed in the autograph session list, but I am getting my book signed by you anyway, come hell or high water. (Considering it’s the Phoenix area, hell is likely.)

    1. I know you’re trying to be funny, but this is seriously offensive. My father was a rooster.

      1. Come now, trying? There is no trying in cockfighting. There is only feathers, blood, and the tiny roar of the eggfans observing from their ordered ranks.

        I find your lack of knowledge regarding the inner workings of the art of cockerel pugilism disturbing.

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