Updates! Interviews! Fan Art!

Sam!  Where have you been!

Doin’ thangs.

Like what?

Well, I’ve got this pretty awesome interview with one of my best buddies Blake Barlton (actually, his name is Blake Charlton, author of the very cool Spellwright, but I kind of wanted to keep the alliteration rolling).  We talk about writing, fighting and grit on his blog here.

A writer on the verge, he calls me!  But on the verge of what?


Probably.  And it probably doesn’t help that in a recent podcast on the Dragon Page, a friendly discussion about writing process swiftly degenerated into talk about cannibalism and eating delicious endangered species.  You can also hear that right here.

That sounds like a lot of stuff!

There’s more, in fact!  I just got the Galley Proofs back for Black Halo, so we are right on schedule!

What are Galley Proofs?

It is the last stage of editing.  Line editing is where the magic happens, where my editors and I come together and lock ourselves in a metaphorical sweat lodge for a few days while we work on things and try to keep the metaphorical towels about our waists from slipping.  After that comes copy editing, where my good friend Deanna Hoak goes line by line and finds logical inconsistencies, problems with word choice and questions my use of a man-eating hat (you’re going to love it when you see it).  Finally, comes Galley Proofs, my last chance to fix anything.  I can only fix 10% or I have to pay for it in BUTT…I mean blood…and money…butt money.

The title says “Fan Art.”

Yes, I actually got a cool piece of Tome fan art today by Sarah Elkins!  Want to see?

D’aww, look at little Gariath there, taking a moment to get all affectionate in between rampant bloodlusts.

Thanks, Sarah!  This one is going right up on the fridge!

Well, that about does it for me!  Any other questions?

Just one.

What’s that?

Do you think responding to the voices in your head by putting them in a different font type makes you any less crazy?

Look, I don’t want to have this argument with you.

Why not, Sam?

Yeah, Sam, why not?

Okay, thanks for reading!

1 thought on “Updates! Interviews! Fan Art!”

  1. I should have commented on this when you posted it but I was still too excited you had posted the fanart. XD I’m glad you like it.

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