Updates, Announcements, Triceratops


In hindsight, I should have been blogging about this much earlier, but I will be appearing at TusCon in…Tuscon!  The Hotel TusCon CityCenter, to be precise.  Did you know Jim “2fly” Butcher will be there, too?  Maybe he will sign my child for me!

Anyway, please come by and see me speak, if you’re in the neighborhood!  We’s gon’ be talkin’ ’bout all sorts o’ crazy crap: eBooks, publishing, genres and where I stole this child from.

Happy Veteran’s Day!

I almost regret talking about other stuff, since this is a topic that I feel is remarkably important.  It’s Veteran’s Day, as you well know, and it’s a time for honoring our servicemen and women.  If you so much as say “thanks,” “good job” or “come back alive,” you’ll have done good.  But this is one of those opportunities where you can do more.

War is…a difficult thing to understand.  I say that only because I can’t understand it.  I’ve never been in one.  But it’s everywhere and the men and women who come back from it don’t always have the means, the motive or the resources for dealing with what’s come back with them.  Not all of them want to be helped and you can’t do everything for them, but you can do something.

You can listen.

Sometimes that’s all it takes.  Sometimes they need more, but you can’t give it to them.  Giving what you can, though, is a good start, even if all you can is your time and an ear.  So if you have the opportunity to help a Veteran just by giving them the chance to talk to you, the chance to know that they don’t just give up their time and their health for our country, and maybe even the chance to tell them that there’s help for the stuff that follows them back home.

Do so.


I had a few up on the Mad Hatter’s Bookshelf and Floor-to-Ceiling Books.  We had to take them down due to some publisher considerations (we’re doing something cooler).  But do not fret, my lovelies.  I’ll undoubtedly get them to you.

Sam Sykes Tells You What to Think On Issues You Talk About

One-Star Amazon Ratings as a means of protesting a lack of viable eBook Format

If you’re curious about the book, read it yourself, dang it.  If you want to see something on Kindle, there’s a link on the book’s page to do such a thing.  Click it many times.

The Pedophile’s How-To Guide on Amazon

It’s an independent business.  It’s not censorship if they choose not to carry it.  Also: oh my God, really?


When the fuck did they go from woodland perverts to inventors, anyway?  What happened there?

Motives for Bloggers

Blog honestly for readers.  Blog often for publishers.  Blog wittily for yourself.  Blog fairly for authors.  Blog about your vast muscles and how you can lift a tire over your head for chicks.

What happened to Montel Williams?

I think he’s dead.

How was World Fantasy?

I can beat up both Blake Charlton and Peter V. Brett at the same time.

Has Sam Sykes ever gotten into a fist fight with girls?

Three of them.  All on my twitter.



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