The Tome Beckons…

It is April 15th!  A day that shall live in infamy as the day Caesar was assassinated, Hitler invaded Poland, mankind walked on the moon and Joe Abercrombie clove the hand of God from His wrist.  And it all happened while they were standing in line for…



Yes!  You read that correctly!  Tome of the Undergates by Sam Sykes is available NOW in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia and (I think) Canada!  All those who swear fealty to their great and honorable matriarch can now experience the exquisite joy that comes from holding a sprawling work of adventure, madness and carnage the size of a small steer!

But don’t take my word for it…

…well, actually do take my word for it.  You know I wouldn’t lie to you, baby.  But just in case you need further persuasion, why not check out some of the high praise that’s been thrown my way?

Four out of five stars.


Wildly descriptive slaughter-fest with a surprising pathos.

Stephen Deas

Fast, furious, funny & brilliantly filthy…the most morbidly entertaining new voice in the genre since Joe Abercrombie.

The Speculative Scotsman

A roller-coaster ride…action packed…fantasy daubed with blood…monumental battle scenes that send the pulse racing.

Floor to Ceiling Books, Fantasy Literature Reviews

Sam Sykes writes with real poetry, the characters are nicely drawn…the action comes thick and fast and the pace doesn’t let up

The Disgruntled Writer, Sci-Fi London

Imaginative characters, a well-paced narrative and enough maiming, decapitation and evisceration to make 300 look tame…a bloody good read.  9/10

Total Sci-Fi

Sam Sykes is a talented brat. (after being put through Google translator)

Sam Sykes is over six foot, at least

Joe Abercrombie

If it is gritty Fantasy you’ve been dying for than Tome of the Undergates will certainly be the answer for you…Tome of the Undergates is a breath of fresh air tinged with a pang of dank water

Mad Hatter Reviews

…The conversation was guided by Mr Sykes across a whole plethora of gutter topics, including him having read my book whilst drunk and sitting on a toilet. But despite his rough charms, Mr Sykes has quickly become a favourite…person [of all time]

Mark Charan Newton

So for anyone looking for a thoroughly entertaining read, I would highly recommend Tome.

Alex Bell

Your book came out today?  That’s great.  Oh, hey, when you were at our house last, your dog took a dump in the middle of the living room.  It’s still there, so whenever you come back, don’t think anyone’s going to get it for you.

-Sam’s Dad

These are all great reviews, but I think my favorites came from two people who aren’t exactly well-known in the blogging world.  One is from a good friend of mine, the other from a girl I’ve never met, but who just about made my day today.

There comes a point in any good book when you realise the number of pages left feels very finite & that fills you with sadness

Adrian Faulkner

I just finished Tome of the Undergates. It was fucking awesome. So, thanks for that.


Call me an old softie, if you’d like (or better yet, call me handsome), but to me, the views of people who read the book with a different mindset than a reviewer and enjoyed it…I mean, really enjoyed it on a visceral level will always provide me with a smile that is distinctly different than the praise awarded by a blogger.  Naturally, I’m immensely grateful and pleased that the above bloggers took the time to review Tome of the Undergates and found it good enough to offer great praise, but they can’t cuss in their reviews.


Yes, I’m sure you’re sold on this book by now, aren’t you?  Your mouth is salivating in hopes of getting your little fat paws on it and clutching it lovingly to your bosom.  Perhaps you’re already planning to murder your spouse and use the insurance money to sponsor legislature so that you can legally marry a book!

…but you’re in the United States.

Fear not!  I has the solution!  Tome of the Undergates is also available from The Poisoned Pen, an excellent bookstore that has decided to back me by importing more than a fair share of copies from England!  Perhaps you should see if they’ll help you out?

This is probably my favorite part of being an author.  Not the release dates; I’ll have many more of those, I’m sure.  Rather, it’s this moment where I realize I’ve done something that will make a lot of people happy.  It’s a moment in which I realize there’s been a lot done, a lot of laughs laughed, a lot of people punched and a lot of beer drank on other peoples’ tabs (thanks, Simon!) to get to this point.  And it’s the moment in which I realize that’s just the beginning.

And that feels fucking fantastic.

Thanks for reading thus far, guys!  Hope you like it!

7 thoughts on “The Tome Beckons…”

  1. Pingback: BookBlogging Forum | Blog | Some Thoughts on Reviewing - Thinking Critically

  2. Congrats Sam!

    Still waiting to get my hands on it in South Africa. Our brilliant bookstores over here haven’t got an idea about when your book will hit the shelves. Bloody idiots. Hopefully the wait won’t kill me. Hopefully.

  3. Really, Johann?

    I could have sworn someone said they had found one in South Africa. Perhaps he’s reading this and can speak up to aid you? If not, I’ll try to find one.

    1. Couldn’t agree more though did find it hard to get going just sorting out “who was who” and what was happening but once I really got into it – very ahrd to put down. Plenty of action and the rivalry between our main characters really made this an awesome novel. Certainly awaiting the next installment.

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