Crap crap crap crap crap crap

Some of you may have gotten an email from me on behalf of goodreads, imploring you to come check out my shelves.

Rest assured, this was not an act of malice, but rather me willfully and stupidly clicking a link that wasn’t an idea to add everyone I saw on the list to my goodreads list, but rather one that sent a spam forward to everyone. I assure you my shelves are not at all worth checking out and you should disregard that email and possibly not curse my name.

Also, blame Mark Chitty, because I was signing up to see his review. He’s the one at fault!

2 thoughts on “Crap crap crap crap crap crap”

  1. Please accept my sincere apologies Sam. I will now go to bed heavy hearted knowing that I have caused you uneeded aggrevation. I will punish myself on your behalf by not eating a chocolate cookie before bed. I will have it in the morning.

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