9.0 0n the Richter Scale

Infoquake, the new novel from David Louis Edelman, is the subject of a BarnesandNoble.com Spotlight feature. B&N Explorations newsletter editor Paul Goat Allen says, “Brilliantly blending the cutthroat intrigues of the high-tech business world with revolutionary world building, Edelman could quite possibly be the love child of Donald Trump and Vernor Vinge. Infoquake is one of the most impressive science fiction debuts to come along in years — highly recommended.”

The Spotlight includes both B&N’s review as well as a short interview with Edelman:

“Like with the character of Natch, there are things to both admire and fear about the future I’ve come up with. Hunger and disease have essentially vanished, and people take for granted the ability to travel anywhere in the world instantly. On the other hand, the world is ruled by an autocratic military organization that essentially has no checks and balances. I think some people would have been happier if I had written a straightforward novel with a good guy and a bad guy and an easily identifiable political bias. But for better or for worse, my dad taught me to always play the devil’s advocate. “

Meanwhile, Online discussion forums for Infoquake are now open on Yahoo! Groups. David Louis Edelman also has the following readings & appearances scheduled:

  • August 23-27: WorldCon in Anaheim, CA
  • September 1-4: Dragon-Con in Atlanta, GA
  • September 5: Reading and signing at Barnes & Noble in Baltimore, MD (time TBD)
  • September 7: Reading and signing at Barnes & Noble in Reston, VA at 7:30 P.M.
  • October 20-22: CapClave in Silver Spring, MD

Update: David is also interviewed on the live journal talk show here.

6 thoughts on “9.0 0n the Richter Scale”

  1. Shame on them. You can rectify that, though you know.

    (Out of curiosity, which B&N is that?)

  2. Hi Justin. That was said sort of tongue-in-cheek, but I won’t object at all if you tell the Valparaiso store they need more Pyr titles! And I hope they do get the book for you – I’ll be interested to hear your opinion of it when you’ve read it. Dave is continuing to get rave reviews.

  3. The local B&N will order things if I ask for them and sometimes they will get more copies for the shelves – the recent reissue of Vandermeer’s City of Saints and Madmen being an example.

    And I will definitely write about Infoquake once I can purchase and read it.

  4. Thanks very much Justin. Although we communicate with them at the level of their buyers, on a store by store level, B&N is more responsive if the request comes from the customer (naturally_. Anybody out there who isn’t finding INFOQUAKE at B&N, feel free to carry in a print out of some of the book’s rave reviews (aggregated on http://www.infoquake.net) and ask for it. You can, of course, also order the book from some of SF’s wonderful indepedents, such as Borderlands Books! Their website is http://borderlands-books.com/ and they are always wonderfully supportive of the Pyr line.

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