Ask the Companions

It’s been awhile since we’ve talked, hasn’t it?  So many sleepless nights, so many questions flickering like little fireflies through the air that quietly sputter out and fall like dark stars on the cold, dead earth.  “When will he update the blog?”  “Did he finish The Skybound Sea?”  “Why do I have so many questions about intricate relationships?

I know how it goes.  Trust me, I know.  And I have the answers.  They are: right now, yes I did (more updates on that, soon) and I know someone who can help.

Do you have trouble with love?  Does the opposite sex confound and astonish you?  Have you ever looked at a bunch of flowers and said: “pfft, why should I spend twenty bucks on a bunch of smell-sticks for an ingrate?  I’ll just buy her a goddamn cantaloupe for six bones and she’ll love it.”

Do you possess questions?  Questions in need of answers?  Questions about romance?  Ones that only the most learned of casanovas, warriors in cupid’s name, could answer?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, particularly that last one, I have just one more question for you…

would you settle for someone less?

Ask the Companions: Love is in the Air Edition

they look like they're reading the same thing, don't they?

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, people are doubtlessly possessed of any number of concerns.  Fortunately for you, a bloodthirsty and paranoid inhuman female with a distinct odor and a grudge against humanity, as well as her crass, thuggish companion who possesses more knowledge of sexual maneuvers and the penalty for performing them in public than most legally codified notaries, are here for you.

Yes, my friends, all you need to do is shoot an email addressed “Dear Kataria,” “Dear Denaos” or possibly both and your question romance, life or the taking of either, and when the big V-Day rolls around, your questions shall be answered here on this very blog by these bloodthirsty felons!  Incredible, right?  You should definitely email at once, because…

The most interesting question will win a signed copy of Black Halo!

What constitutes “interesting?”  I guess Kataria or Denaos will tell us!

Do not wait, my friends!  While there is no limit on the questions that will be answered, these characters are both flighty and wanted in several nations!  Ask hastily and email today!

Picture done by the supremely talented and amazing Ashley Cope, author and artist of the supremely amazing and impressive Unsounded.  Read it today!

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