Adam Roberts comes to America

I am very happy to announce that Pyr has just closed a deal with Orion to publish the US version of Adam Roberts’s brilliant multi-generational epic of near future space colonization and revenge, Gradisil. I’ve long been a fan of Roberts’ work and am thrilled to be able to bring him to the attention of US readers.

Speaking of the UK edition, Nick Gevers writes in the May 2006 issue of Locus, “There is powerful prose in Gradisil, a maturing mastery with language reminiscent of Ian McDonald. This is Robert’s best novel to date, and quite conceivably a harbinger of greatness.”

While SFX has this to say, “It all adds up to proof, if any were really needed. That Roberts belongs in the front rank of hard SF writers.”

I’m equally excited to announce that Hugo-nominee Stephan Martiniere will be providing the cover art for our edition. More details soon. Meanwhile, you can visit Adam Roberts online at:

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