Fanart Contest Winners: Round One!

Now, I know I’m very late with this, having announced this game back in October, but with so many good newses happening around the world I was compelled to put it on pause.

However, now that everything is done for now, I have a chance to post this!  The initial winners of the Fanart Contest!  Each of them shall receive a comic book and three fancy bookplates!  Hooray!


First up, Mia C. has offered this awesome version of Kataria doll, complete with packing, bow and smelly, dreadful hair!

doll 1 feathers on hair front packaging


Legitimately cool!

Next up, a good friend to this blog, Sarah has sent in this picture of Lenk looking battle-damaged and groin-tastic!


And one of my very favorite posters sent me this ear-twitchy .gif of Kataria!  You can see the animated version here!  Thank you, Crispin!


And finally, here’s a genuine favorite of mine that I really enjoyed.  From the short story Name the Beast, it’s a portrait by Megan of Kataria and her mother, Kalindris.


One thing I have always appreciated about fanart is the new and interesting ways people interpret my characters.  Kataria, especially, is popular for this reason.  Some people see her as more of an orc, some people see her as more of an elf, and sometimes you get really interesting, almost fairy-tale like interpretations, such as this one, which I positively adore.

Tune in next week for our two big winners!

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