Genetopia praised on Fantastic Reviews

Aaron Hughes has some nice things to say about Keith Brooke’s Genetopia over at Fantastic Reviews:

“…a fascinating look at the consequences when the nature of humanity begins to change at a genetic level. …Like Mark Twain, and in refreshing contrast to the current standard of bloated multi-volume series, Brooke is able to confine his coming-of-age tale to an engaging and relatively short stand-alone novel, even as he uses it to frame important questions about the future of mankind.”

More kind words about Pyr as well:

Genetopia is an original publication of Pyr Books, which in just one year under the adroit direction of Lou Anders has established itself as one of the leading publishers of quality science fiction and fantasy, with a welcome emphasis on the current crop of outstanding British SF writers. Like many of these British Boom authors, Keith Brooke is remarkably adept at envisioning an almost unrecognizable far future, and Genetopia is an excellent example.”

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